Weekly Meeting

Our weekly meeting is held every Friday morning at 7:30* overlooking the beautiful Nansemond River at Cedar Point Club. A wonderful buffet-style breakfast is served.

If you’d like to join us one Friday morning as our guest, CLICK HERE. As a first-time guest, there will be no charge for you.

Interested in joining our Club? CLICK HERE

*There are a few Friday morning that our meeting is canceled due to holidays and such. Make sure our meeting is being held before attending. If you fill our the form by clicking the button below, we can get the schedule to you.

nansemond river friday morning sunrise-CROPPED.png

North Suffolk Rotary Club Calendar

For more information on Rotary and what is involved, visit their website at www.rotary.org



The main objective of Rotary is service in the community and throughout the world. Rotarians build goodwill and peace, provide humanitarian service, and encourage high ethical standards in all vocations. The Rotary motto is “Service Above Self.”

Local Charities

The North Suffolk Rotary Club serves a number of local charities including:



The local community impact by the North Suffolk Rotary Club is immeasurable. The impact that serving our community side-by-side is indescribable. We are committed to building a stronger community by serving through our gifts and abilities in Suffolk and throughout the world.

Community Programs

North Suffolk Rotary Club provides a number of programs that our community has the opportunity to share with including:

The Four-Way Test in a Post-Truth Era

A recent article in the Rotarian Magazine shares the application of our Four-Way Test as it is today with current leadership qualities.

Click on the illustration at the right to read the article.