5th Friday Filler at Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts
6:00 PM18:00

5th Friday Filler at Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts

There will be no meeting on Friday, September 29th in order for us to enjoy 5th Friday Filler on Thursday night at the beautiful Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts. We will join the Downtown Suffolk Rotary Club as the Suffolk Plein Air Fest comes to a close.

Food and beverages will be provided. Your spouses and other club member prospects are welcome to attend. There is no cost for our members. Guests are $20/each.

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North Suffolk Rotary Golf Classic
12:00 PM12:00

North Suffolk Rotary Golf Classic

The North Suffolk Rotary Club invites you to register yourself or your best foursome AND become a sponsor for the 16th Annual North Suffolk Rotary Golf Classic on Thursday, July 20, 2022 at Cedar Point Club.


  • Four-person Scramble

  • Shotgun start Up to Three Flights (depending on number of teams)

  • Mulligans available


  • First and Second Place from each flight

  • Hole-in-One

  • Closest-to-the-Pin

  • Longest Drive

  • Putting Contest


  • Registration deadline — July 14, 2022


  • 11:30 am Registration and Lunch (included with registration)

  • 1:00 pm Tournament Shotgun Start

  • Immediately Following Completion — Dinner & Awards Ceremony (included with registration)


  • $600 for Foursome of Golfers

  • $170 for Individual Golfer

    *Entry fee includes 18-holes of golf, practice range, golf cart, lunch, dinner, beverages, and entry into contests, gifts and prizes.


  • $2,500 — Title Sponsor
    Includes 4 golfers, golf cart signs, solo scoreboard sign, driving range sign, awards ceremony recognition, and listing in program given to each player

  • $2,000 — Golf Ball Sponsor
    Includes your corporate logo on the official golf balls of the tournament. Each registered player will receive one sleeve of golf balls upon check-in. This sponsorship also includes 4 golfers, golf cart signs, solo scoreboard sign, driving range sign, awards ceremony recognition, and listing in program given to each player. *This Golf Ball Sponsor will also have the option to order more Corporate Logo Balls for an additional charge without paying any set up fees.

  • $1,500 — Golf Cart Sponsor
    Includes 4 golfers, name on all golf carts, awards ceremony recognition, and listing in program given to each player

  • $1,000 — Beverage Station Sponsor
    Includes 4 golfers, signage at the Beverage Stations on the course, awards ceremony recognition, and listing in program given to each player

  • $1,000 — Dinner Sponsor
    Includes 4 golfers, name on sponsor signage at dinner, awards ceremony recognition, and listing in program given to each player

  • $1,000 — Lunch Sponsor
    Includes 4 golfers, name on sponsor signage at lunch, awards ceremony recognition, and listing in program given to each player

  • $1,000 — Driving Range Sponsor
    Includes 4 golfers, signage at driving range on the course, awards ceremony recognition, and listing in program given to each player

  • $1,000 — Golf Ball Package Sponsor Includes 4 golfers, name on sponsor signage at lunch, awards ceremony recognition, and listing in program given to each player. Your Company name will be on the side of the golf ball sleeve that is distributed to each player.

  • $250 — Hole Sponsor
    Hole Sponsors receive signage on hole and listing in program.

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Port Day Field Trip
7:30 AM07:30

Port Day Field Trip

Port of Virginia Field Trip

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2023, 8:00-10:00 am


Our weekly meeting will be held at Virgina International Gateway for breakfast followed by a private tour. You are required to provide your driver’s license or other government issued ID. Deadline for sign up is Monday, February 6, 2023. We are restricted to only 35 attendees. Sign ups are first come, first served.

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